Sunday, June 18, 2006


I've had it with you
Tired of being the only one who is true
Let me fall into the cracks & crevices
Where you won't see me.
Until I go and fuck up your foundation.
Go on, deal with your troubles
I got mine
Lets divide
I'm good enough on my own
I don't wanna see anyone piss & moan
I'll be right where I've always been, singin my own song

But its all gone...
With that old feelin
Feels like a burden
With all that's fallen
But its all gone...
With that old feelin
Feels like a burden
With all that's fallen...

I've always seen you in a different light.
They've always lableled you as the blight.
I see through that.
Even so, its still a thwack to the back.
Makes me go outta wack.
I hang around the home.
Cause I feel so alone.
I'll be right where I've always been, singin my own song.

But its all gone...
With that old feelin
Feels like a burden
With all that's fallen...
But its all gone...
With that old feelin
Feels like a burden
With all that's fallen...

I say "I'm done with this."
Its gonna be pure bliss.
I'm sorry for you
Still in all of that.
Its gonna come back
But I'll be gone

But its all gone...
With that old feelin
Feels like a burden
With all that's fallen...
But its all gone...
With that old feelin
Feels like a burden
With all that's fallen...

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