Wednesday, August 30, 2006


More you want?
I've given you all I have
The only thing you left me was my soul
And let me tell you
You sure as hell left it lonely and beaten
The wounds are just now healing
The marks are visible
I know you can see them
With your deadly vision
You've taken my style
You've taken my senses
All but my soul
Yet you want more...

My body aches for something new
Pains in my side
Demented thoughts in my head
Where'd these come from?
Did you leave these here when you had my style?
Here take your shit and go
Let me lay here
The last thing I need is a relapse
Oh wait I already know the first steps
...Drink plenty of fluids
Get rest
Stay inside....

You have nothing now?
No reply?
Why the silence?

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