Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Snow Falling



"I'll be waiting here..."


"I'll be waiting here so, when you're through, we'll go."

Procede to Sword Fight.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Personal affairs don't need air
No sir, none in the slight
So take your awkwardness and keep it to yourself
Please, if not for yourself, for me

(bark bark)
(slap slap)
Deodorant to the head

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Vid Game Overload

Ok since September 25th I've been trying so hard to keep up with all my video games. First off, with Halo 3 I beat that game in 6 hours and had all the achievements + some cool videos all within the first week. HYPERPOWER!!! woof! Then after that I proceeded to Jericho, Tony Hawk PG, Guitar Hero III, Call of Duty 4, and just as of today Assassin's Creed.

All of these games are awesome no doubt, but that's just on my 360, on the Wii I still have yet to rebeat RE4. I need to beat Zelda and Metroid Prime 3, and now Mario just came out on that...argh! And I just got Resident Evil Umbrella Chronicles today and IT'S SO DAMN GOOD! It has all the original music from the games, it's awesome. It's like an arcade shooter of RE 0, RE 1, and RE 3. The best three of the older style of Resident Evil.

Last but not least, PS3 titles for me include. Ninja Gaiden Sigma (beat it on Xbox The hardest game ever) Lair, a badass dragon game, Heavenly Sword, a god of war esque game, even though I have never played god of war. And I've already beaten resistance. So yeah there ya go.

SOOOO anyways like I was talking with my friend luke, "goddamn I got a lot of shit to do." However, I am glad that I have a lot of video games to play, for like the past 2 years I've had nothing great to play.......

Next week, Mass Effect and Rock Band. I am also planning on getting Tomb Raider Anniversary, Tomb Raider 1 was the very first game I played on a playstation. I remember it quite well, I thought "Oh my god, this is amazing." and that was like 8 years ago.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

E Side

3 Sided Face

You walked in my place
Sick and lost, you've no grace
Get out you 3 sided face!

You best learn your place
You 3 sided face!

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Smiling Again

I dressed you in her clothes, now drive me away...

Hey ya'll...don't get down...
Heh, so lemme give you an update blogger, an update never to be missed
My story that I want to publish is half ways done. Will be posting that to
My friends are coming and going, I think @ this time next year I'll be somewhere far and that's good.
I am really starting to learn piano, one thing I most certainly regret from childhood, not having a music performance background
Goals for this next upcoming year, get to a NIN show for sure, Trent has been doing so many side projects and business he needs to show his fans a night out and then later he can come up for coffee....(ahem)


Since I've moved up to St.Cloud I've made some new friends and it feels good to actually be in something than I enjoy as well as a dozen more people also enjoy; that's the one thing your counselors and whatnot never tell you, they wanna harp degrees and money, but really once one gets into the college scene it's all about the things you did. The things you expierenced. That's what they leave out.

A nasty habit I gotta break, stop going back to the "ole" corner. Shit that school needs more people. More vibrant people. I know that's selfish and a slight peter pan syndrome thing there, but it's the truth. Like my one friend says "gotta let do their own thing." And I hope and pray they have done just that. I still reminisce about the old days of halos in JR. High, those ones were the best hands down. There was no older authority; only us kids (at the time)

As far as my crew goes, all is well. As of lately I've been reconnecting with a old friend of mind. He used to undermind me, and I know why. Any other person would decide to basically give the "fuck you buddy" thing or anything of the sort. However as this may be, I decided "shit we got history." and there's way to little time to be mad, I mean the reality of it I'm being the selfish one.

Roomy life = goddamn

Music lately been listening to: Baroque theme pieces. Lately I've been going back in time, to get a fancy for my taste so to say. Something about the Baroque period is just something out of this world, to me at least, baroque art especially. Aside from that I've really been reading about Deftones' new album production process, I mean when I'm reading about this, I'm like REALLY getting into this. Something about Chino lyrics...they move me in ways unimaginable. Sure most of em are about girls and whatnot but Idk if the music or what it is...I'M HOOKED! Radiohead's new album, every morning I wake up I blast "Weird Fishes/Arpeggi" and cook up some breakfast, it is the perfect morning music. Liars, A7X new album, Deftones Live in Hawaii (fuckin hard to find mind you!) and the complete TOOLOGY.

Rock Band is coming out in two weeks....and IT"S GONNA BE THIE SHIT!!!! A. IT HAS "THE HAND THAT FEEDS" AS A TRACK. 2) DRUMS & MIC C'MON NOW!!! and the list goes on...'s hella sensitive

Anyways, this is getting to be quite tiresome, I'm off to the lands of Hesperia, and lemme tell you this...

"you're like that when you pull heart back; I guess I'll call you when I get back, but don't speak! Don't say nothing! In case we ever do meet again!"

bye gang

Wednesday, August 22, 2007


Momentarily; I'll show this place
It's bare but it's all right
This place will liven up
I swear

You'll stand there, day and night
Caputured in your pose
Oh i'm ready for the catch
I swear

Protected beneathe the glass
You look so fine
The stars greet you every night
I swear

I'm in awe
I remember this spot being bare
But now all I have is thought
And this seems like work
I don't know if I can take the break
Because you're so still and strong
Oh I hope i'm just wrong
Yeah, I'm wrong

These suppliers are on wait
I'm on the take
My heart is not fake
But I fear we aren't on the same page
My habits of obscurity flatter your mentality
With delight and uncertainty

Saturday, August 18, 2007


This soul grows quick
It matures and wicks
Maybe we'll wick as one
I don't know
Kyla cries Interlude
I say "Why not?"
These delicate matters
Are just ways of notice
This soul will mature
There are lots days
And faith will fight
On ways we look
There are many things we see
Lots of fallen debris
Kyla cries Interlude

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Oh Lacey, I think Jupiter is turning
And Mars is on the horizon
Hold onto to these dimensions
I'll show you the depths of my room
I'll show you the depths of my gloom

Sensation creation
This is why I hold you close
C'mon lets go get you some clothes
Because you're certainly far too cold
Lacey, Jupiter is turning
And mars is on the horizion

All this time I finally figured out
That error played its part
And I turned away
Add me to that pile; I'm good for the worth
The moon is rising in me
And Mars is on the horizion

Keep your mind in pieces just in case
You need to hide some lonely parts
So come with me show me your display
of damp that surrounds your blushing ambition

I came across you here in this time
I know I lost you
I came to you
You came to me
Oh you came to me, Lacey

Now times are going fast
Why couldn't it be slow anymore
I'm left on the edge
I'm like broken glass; shattered and viewtiful

Slow maybe too slow
But here comes the moon in orbit with mars
Here's where the real magic is done

And Now I Think

I've seen these marks before
I've been strapped down and sore
I'm quite used to looking face down in the dirt.
I lived there all my life; hoping for something great.
I think I've found it now even though I just turned face up

I've seen these marks before
Now I'm breaking out
Yeah here I go.
And sure who doesn't fall along the way
But what matters is the sites you take in
And the pictures you take
These nights become so late
The faring moon greets you a new

I've seen these marks before
I've been without rest
And now I think I know why
Oh I know why
It's these thoughts that keep me wondering
Of prosperity and uncertainty
And now I'm gone
Hold it until I'm back

It's my thoughts in my head
It's my past that keeps me ahead
But please, you're the only one who can change that
Take me down slowly, I like it that way
And now I think I know why
It's taken me along time
Of these matters of realization and rebellion

But oh those old times when I was face down
They bring me back to where I came
Shown me things in a grey light
And now I'm here; taking in the new sites, thinking head over heels, and now things are surreal

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Part Uno

The buildings and skies were grey. This was war. The entire strip was on fire. The sand on the beaches had turned to a mixture of gray and green. The oceans became a toxic soup for all sea life. This world was a warzone. Policital struggles were just a small contributer to this wreck. The polar ice caps had melted some time ago. We should do what we always do when things come to a extreme end. They load on the material into a shuttle bound for space and then detonate from remote control. However it may have seemed like a good idea. The situations with foriegn countries were peaking. World War III seemed like it was on the horizon. To top it all, from collaborations of hazardous material that had exploded in space, had collected. From top astronomists from the globe, the exploded material was enroute to intercept Earth. This comet some say was work of god.

This is hell on earth.

Weeks before the polar ice caps had melted some homeless people I had encountered on the streets were saying "Beware the water." "Do you like the way the water tastes?" I was oblivious to what they meant. Had these people know all along about the world going to shit? I wouldn't know. On my daily route to work, I always stop by to check on my friend Josh. Josh usually would give me some good gossip on things in the local area. Sometimes he would tell me about drug deals that would be going down and he'd see if he could get in the score. Girls that split with their boyfriends. New jobs, sports, food card discounts, cars, anything this guy could talk your ear off.

"Hey Josh, how are ya doin?"
"You crazy fuck, wait till you hear this!"
"What's up?" Josh motioned me to sit down in his little patio porch. Josh's patio was nice. Made from oak, really hard shit. Expensive too in this day and age. Josh's patio reminded me of like a mob meeting place or something. Just the way of he talked always reminded me of a mob guy, even though I knew damn well this guy did nothing. Josh lived on his own and he liked it like that. Money was never a real problem for him. Before the stock market crisis of 34' his parents had invested a ton of money into a trust account for him. After several account matuarations he was well made.

"Have a fuckin sit you whore!"
"Ok ok, jeez what's the big deal?"
"Well do you remember that incident that happened with the middle east, the one with the discovery of the madagratze?"
"Yeah what about it?"
"Well I guess on the news today, the middle east has collaborated with russia and you know what that means."
"Oh jesus, that means it's pretty much us and them, I mean espeically with every other country with their own civil wars and epidemics. There's no way they'd get involved even if every fat fuck politiican wanted to. They just can't."
"Exactly, and I've been thinking lately..."
"Oh yeah about what?"
"Well I mean with this new update, and the majority of homeless people chanting 'beware the water' and shit like that; I wonder if they know something?"
"Well what's going on with the capital? I mean did they respond at all to this?"
"Oh come on you know how every little threat is thrown at our government."
"Let me guess there was a "no worry" speech on T.V. and the big guy has decided that we will welcome any danger and go face it because we are supreme?
"Well you pretty much hit the nail on the head there buddy."
"Heh whaddya expect out of our own government." I said

The clock rang three bells and I had totally forgotten about work. "Shit! Josh I gotta catch ya later man! I'm late for work!"
"Ok well you stop by later and just maybe we'll burn our nation's flag heh?"
"(laughs) right on! later alligator!"

I exited his patio door and walked out onto the streets. These streets never changed. It's as if there was always the same amount of trash. The same amount of business suits walking. The same amount of young adults walking down the streets. The same couples holding hands walking down the avenue. Like everything was in a timeless era. I started up the street. I worked at multi-business orientated building approximately 50 stories high. The front entrace hall was always littered with homeless. It was so annoying. I worked on all the floors. I was a mail carrier. I delivered everywhere in the building. There was a team of us. Each of us would be assigned a section to the building with our totes and letters that had already been sorted out. The front entrance man was a sterotypical security guard. Tall, bald, and spoke in monotone. "Good afternoon Ma.." "Sorry Steve, I gotta get down there and clock in I'm runnin late!" "Oh I know how that goes." I opened the door labeled "Employees Only" and thats when it happened. The ground shook violently and the lights went out for a second only to be returned with the emergency power. Another violent shake happened and threw me down on my back. The windows outside showed people falling to ground. Another shake happened and then I finally saw what these shakes were. They were bombs falling from the skies. People were being thrown from these explosions that were closed to them. I put my hands the ground and pushed myself up. Upon standing, a sudden alarm was heard and the emergency lights were flashing maroon. "Code maroon, we're under terroistic attack." They taught you this kinda shit just so you know. One less person that is running around in complete pandemonium. At least that's the way I looked at it. I started thinking about those people upstairs. I needed to see what was happening outside. I ran around a hoarde of crying people in the lobby area and pushed the doors open. I looked left and right and saw people lying the streets. Bombs were still hitting the ground, I could feel them. I looked up and saw my building on fire. It was as if someone took a rifle and fired quail shot and this building. I ran back inside the building. Steve ran to me and shouted "We're under attack, according to the folks on the west coast they're fucked like us. Every major city is being bombed like this!!"
"Even the midwest?" I asked. "Yeah!" That's when I fell to the ground and I stayed down. And that's the last thing I remember.

I opened my eyes. The place was quiet. I moved my head around. Steve was gone. I tried to get up when suddenly three men in chemical suits came in and exclaimed "Don't Move!"

To Be Continued...

Friday, August 10, 2007


Mr. Shiver I'm glad you sent a line.
Euphoria's endearing.
But it's cold,
We might as well retire.
To the drawer where all used things resign.

Mr. shiver, in the river,
You were sold.
You were told.
I do, I do.
If we make it over the mountain.

Dressed in leather, red ball and vault attire;
The most ironic place to be is easy...
Between my finger and the blade, right before I let the used resign.

Mr. shiver, in the river,
You were sold.
You were told.
I do, I do.
If we make it over the mountain.

You might lose the one you choose.
You might lose who won you times ten.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Past to Next

These past months I have got to meet you and all of your worth.
These past months I have seen a lot in you.
These past months have been awesome to know you.
These past months have been confusing for me.

So ya know...

For the next months, I hope we do meet again
Because it's so sweet to see you.
You make my heart jump in every which way
For the next months, maybe we'll hang out.
For the next months, we'll help each other out I know.

I don't want to forget about the fun times.
And for god's sake, I don't want to let things fall to shambles

Because I'm not all that special and I need someone who lets me know I am.

So I'll come right out and say it, I'm glad to have met you and all your ways.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

....Will Return At.....

On Thursday, July 5th, I will be chaperoning for a group of kids that have signed up for the UNITY conference in Oklahoma City.

(I hope our hotel won't blow up)...

(its a bad joke i know...)

Anyways, I have finally turned the age of 18. And on that day signifies my acceptance among other members of the Upper Sioux Community. Which not only means I can vote, buy porn, buy cigs, and gamble; but I also receive money every month.

What have I done with my first payment you ask?

Well besides buying assloads of cds...

I bought:
An HD DVD Player
Assload of HD DVD's
The occasional hooker here and there
And I have started to take deep appreciation for Roulette.

Any other machine I've played it often just takes your money and thats it. Whereas Roulette will give you suspense, heartache, and joy all with in one spin. Damn what a fine game it is. Besides the video chick attendant is pretty hot.....(yeah you know what i mean!)

So I will post any crazy stories about me getting ice @ 4 in the morning only to be greeted by Norm Macdonald and I will then after 12 minutes of meeting Norm be greeted by Amanda Harris and then eating White Castle with these two....oh how I can wish...

I'll be back around the 11th.

As they say in Dakota...

Toksta! (Later!)

Missing you already,

The Dignified Doppleganger

Friday, June 29, 2007

Manwhores Delux (courtesy of CNN)

Don't believe the "nervousness" from Radcliffe I'd say, two things: A. He is Harry Potter B. He is a goddamn celebrity. Shame I say. Shame & guilt....

TOKYO, Japan (AP) -- First kisses can be tricky. Even for Harry Potter.

Daniel Radcliffe, in Tokyo for the world premiere of the latest Harry Potter movie, said it took a few takes to overcome the nerves of getting the young wizard through his first on-screen kiss.

And even then, he didn't really feel the magic.

"When we started it, we were both a bit nervous," Radcliffe said at a news conference Friday.

"But after the first few takes, it was sort of like any other scene, which is never really what people want to hear. It doesn't really feel any different, because you are still acting."

In "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix," the latest instalment in the megahit series based on J.K. Rowling's books, Harry comes of age and has his first on-screen kiss, with longtime crush Cho Chang, played by Katie Leung.

It was a big moment for Harry -- if not for Radcliffe.

Producer David Heyman said director David Yates cleared the set to create more intimacy for the scene and the crew crowded around a monitor to watch.

"The makeup artist, who's known Daniel really well from the age of 10, she shed a tear," Heyman said. "For me, it was quite moving."

"Order of the Phoenix" opens in the United States on July 11 and in Britain the next day.

Radcliffe said Japan was a natural place for the world premiere -- probably half of their fan mail comes from Japan, he said, and the hundreds of thousands of letters they receive are "beautifully presented."

"We once got a gift which I didn't quite understand," Radcliffe said. "It was a sort of big ear."

The movie opens as Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is undergoing a gradual takeover by the bureaucratic Ministry of Magic and its emissary, Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher Dolores Umbridge (Imelda Staunton).

A sense of impending doom is heightened by a series of nightmares that link Harry ever more closely to the devilish Voldemort.

The next Harry-related frenzy will be the publication of the seventh and final book, "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows," on July 21.

The first Harry Potter movie was released in 2001. Radcliffe and co-stars Emma Watson and Rupert Grint, who play Harry's friends Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley, have been at the center of the Potter storm for almost half their lives.

All three stars have signed up for the final two Potter films.

In the next film, it will be Ron Weasley's character, played by Rupert Grint, who will be doing most of the kissing. Auditions for the role of his kissing co-star Lavender Brown are currently being held in London.

The Harry Potter books have been translated into 65 languages and sold more than 325 million copies since the first volume, "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone," was published in 1997. The book was published in the United States with the title "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone."

Thursday, June 28, 2007


HAHAHAHAHAHA That's the crazy shinadigans I've ever heard about Chris Benoit. For those who don't know him. He is a Canadian Pro Wrestler. Damn Canadians.....


For the past three days, two compadres and myself have been cleaning the shit out of my basement. It's been one long struggle. It didn't get too horrific until we looked above us...Never in my life, I've seen so many spiders. It was almost like Lord of The Rings, Shelob and all....

But now that is over and done

Sunday, June 24, 2007

You Know Who You Aren't


I don't know why yoU do it. Why you waste time.
Why you try to find deepeR meaNing in the word wAste.

Waste - Verb, Noun, Adjective.....etc.

You poison the waters we drink. You bait every hook. You Know so littlE.
When times change you are like a two Dollar whore. Stay for the night, but gone in the morning and you've found someone new to cling onto. When philosophy takes a back seat sliDe is it reAlly a magical line? Or is it personal satisfaction of viewing human interaction? Am I and those you know a reality T.V. show for you? Does 139 minutes (give or take with credits) change your life? Well by the time you're done reading this I will have at least suprised you in some way. You can say you saw my bluff, but know this. Sooner or later they'll be throwin quarters at you on stage. You can keep your arrogant high horse, you can keep your strive for originality, you can keep your fucking habits, and go find a new dark hole to crawl in. You can find new people to infect.

For these are new times, when people change over time. (not in a few words conversation)

You never knew me, you blast all of my friends you rumormonger.
You constantly compare your ego to others and boast yourself up for nothing.
You think you're so cool?
Keep going and you'll see.

Leave me alone.

I don't wanna waste anymore time with you.

"Guys, guess what I just heard....Buddy Guy, it's great stuff." - (YND)

The rest of us stare in silence....

Saturday, June 23, 2007

I'll teach you to calm down.

You'll teach me to come out of my shell.

For these future times; please remember who we are.

And for all we stand; having confidence is what makes us strong.

Take away this space and it's just you and I.

Here I am revealed; there you are calm.

Let's go.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007


Resident Evil: Extinction RELEASE DATE: September 21st 2007

My thoughts:
Well I will be honest I have been a hardcore Resident Evil fan since way back to the days of Resident Evil for Playstation featuring Chris Redfield on the front with a shotgun in hand all the way till the revoluntionary and ground breaking Resident Evil 4. I also made character charts from all the games and have also mapped out all their characters. I thoroughly enjoy all the Resident Evil games except for Resident Evil Outbreak and Resident Evil Survivor and Resident Evil Dead Aim. The following games really were just more or less like "Hey lets make more money by having suckers buy our product just because it has some zombies in it." I'm sorry the main Resident Evil games always uncovered a bit more of the mysterious Umbrella Corporation and all of its secrets; whereas "those I don't speak of" are BS games.

Anyways, I have also read all of the books associated with the main story of the Resident Evil series and I have enjoyed all of them. My favorite though has to be "Resident Evil: Nemesis" So good.

Now my thoughts on the movies....
The Resident Evil movies have always been a bit off base from the original story line of the video games. I enjoyed them but they are always times where I would like to see more revealing storyline and who is to blame for the first two movies. Goddamn Paul S. Anderson. That man has screwed up two video game franchises I highly enjoy. He messed up Aliens Vs. Predator and Resident Evil/Resident Evil: Apocalypse. If he ever goes near the Metal Gear Solid franchise or Final Fantasy or any other highly acclaimed video game franchise I will....ugh.......

But then again beggars can't be choosers....

Since now for the time being I can only access blogger through when my coworkers eyes are fixated on their screens my posts could be limited for awhile

But sooner or later, I'll be ranting on Metal Gear Solid, Chrono Trigger, and other video game franchises that captured thousands....

Discovering Antechamber #23

I want to sleep if you are awake
Still making believe that you aren't at all crazy
And if you don't believe I think you should
You make me so proud

Still you love to think you have always been this way
Well I'd love to think you will someday feel the same

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

You wait, I'll wait
I'll lie awake for you

I'll cut your armies down, and turn your heart!!!

You wait, I'll wait
I'll fly away
I'll break

Monday, June 18, 2007

DEFTONES! (continued)

Last Night:


4 Years in the making....

But anyways, yeah shizite it was great.

Some how some way I got up in the 21+ area and all I have to say about the chicks is hot daaammmn (chris tucker style)

Fall of Troy's singer/guitarist was how should I say a bit loose? His left leg kept flailing in all sorts of ways but his body remained the same. Dir En Grey were up to their usual antics. Deftones opened up with "Passenger" and the entire time Chino & Crew had the stage I was so stoked. Deftones played almost all of "Around the Fur" and most of "Adrenaline." They also played a few good hits off of "White Pony" like "Digital Bath" and "Back to School." Chino rejuvenated me by stating these simple words "This is [When Girls Telephone Boys]" Which then lead to the Deftones to play most of their self titled album "Deftones" (my favorite).
Goddamn it was a good show. (I wish they would have played "Hexagram"....)
Deftones also rocked the house with a lot of songs of their latest "Saturday Night Wrist" The few they played were "Cherry Waves", "Hole in The Earth", "Rats!Rats!Rats!", and "Beware."

I also got two new shirts.

But in other news, "Do penguins practice the missionary position or do they pull a Gary Coleman?"

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Inverse B & E

Beginnings could be the start of a never ending pain
With thoughts of uncertainty and doubt
One could be clouded for an eternity

Endings could be the most painful thing ever
To let go of something cherished
To never expierence happiness ever again

B & E

New beginnings are always a bit fearfilled
Thoughts of uncertainty set in; off and on
But the curiosity is what drives you
Into the unknown

Endings are rewarding
It fills you up to the moon
With new thoughts and new ways
Beginnings don't even seem scary

Thursday, May 17, 2007


Chino Moreno
Sits sick and tired and lost
But he knows the truth

Monday, April 30, 2007

I'd like to say I've come a long way, from stupid ranting about insanity to story writing (once again and finally!)
The summer of 06 turned me around and I can't be any happier, to my readers I want to say "Thanks for the lessons" To random readers on blogger have fun!

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

How neat. I'm impressed...
How did you come to be so blessed?
You're a star. You blaze...
Out like a sharp machine...
Like a whale's moan...
Well I'm here if that's what you want

Here we are - You're pins - I'm needles - Let's play...
Here we are - You want this? - Then come on...
Tune out everyone in the crowd because now it's just me and you
Come fall in love with the sound
Make a pact to each other when no one's around
Put the cross between me and you
Who wants to fuck with us now?

Monday, March 12, 2007

Day Abreak

I will count the silence
I will go away

Not any longer, I remember
That you were so different

Take some time
Maybe next time

We'll all go to together
Perhaps even tonight

We've all seen the same face
We've all been hurt
We've all seen the heartache

Now gather me together

And throw me out; because that's just how I am

Maybe we'll go together

Or maybe we're like oil and water

Churning and churning with no result!

I will go away

Monday, March 05, 2007

Earth to Bella

Earth to Bella,
You think you've got it all figured in,
Earth to Bella,
Everything you know is wrong. Well, almost
Earth to Bella,
I've seen when you are not listening
I bear the burden
Of being the voice that lets you know
We all grow old,
And before you swim you gotta be ok to sink.
Earth to Bella,
The world can be an unfriendly place.
So hold your head up
And do your best to save some face.
It's not so hard...
Just undo yourself and see a
Second sun ascend.
I'm ok to sink
ok to sink
I'm ok to sink
ok to sink.

Blvd Knights


with her army complete
she can take me apart off
throught the earth
then back in the car
cause once you begin

your not going to stop
I know how you are
gonna stop
but your not going to stop
gonna stop
I know how you are
oh please

throught the earth
then back in the car
your not going to stop
I know how you are

Tuesday, February 27, 2007


She haunts the roads, she waits for a new face

The arms red and injured she wants to rise she cant till we have

I'll cut your armies down, and turn your heart!!!

You wait, I'll wait

I'll lie awake for you

I'll cut your armies down, and turn your heart!!!

You wait, I'll wait

I'll fly away

I'll break


She haunts the road, she waits for a new face


This Time I Think You Pointed Right At You
Whose Side Are You On
Whose Side Are You On
I Ask You What Side, You Pointed It Out
What Side Are You On
What Side Are You On

A Waste Of Time
If You Don't Believe
Can't Decide To
Hit The Ground
Make Your Mind
But You're Holding Me Down
And Over Again
And Over Again

This Time I Think You Pointed Right At You
Whose Side Are You On
Whose Side Are You On
I Ask You What Side, You Pointed It Out
What Side Are You On
What Side Are You On

A Waste Of Time
If You Don't Believe
Can't Decide Till You've
Hit The Ground
Make Your Mind
Or You Dont Believe
Can't Decide Till You
Hit The Ground
Make Your Mind
Cause You're Holding Me Down
And Over Again
And Over Again
And Over Again

And Dont Think That I Dont Know
Because I Do, Nice Try,
Cause Thats What Your Really Like, Like, Like, Like...

This All Came Out, You Said,
Say Something Else.
Decide, Who's Side You're On.

Who's Side Are You On?
Who's Side Are You On?
Come On!
Who's Side Are You On?
Who's Side Are You On?

Who's Side Are You On?
Who's Side Are You On?
Who's Side Are You On?
Who's Side Are You On?

Who's Side You On?

Pink Cellphone

Belief in the one true power

Can't stop the sound
Can't... you?
Can't stop the sound
Can't, stop the sound
I can't stop you

Axe your eyes let the tape roll
Cuz your gonna get sexy
Thats right, now come on
Cuz you wanna get sexy
Thats right, move on
Cause your gonna get sexy
Thats right, come on
Cause you wanna get sexy
Come on
Axe your heart, let the tape roll

Belief in the one true power

Can't stop the sound
Can't you?
Can't stop the sound
I can't stop you.

Axe your eyes, let the tape roll
But your gonna get sexy
Thats right come on
Cause you wanna get sexy
Thats right, move on
Cause your gonna get sexy
Thats right, come on

Axe your eyes, I'll tell you it:

Slowly your troubles continue to multiply and to grow as a direct result of your being misguided,
Decieved, misdirected or fooled.
All of these are variations of the basic ego-gloried-live them in which you follow the gospel truth.
Persuing the wrong ideals and goals that lead you into sickness, into (god),
And from this sickness comes the belief in the one true power
That cure that promised to erase the symptoms that stood between you and your goal
Thats suductive to hear that offered relief and comfort without disturbing the faulty system of your
Beliefs, the belief in the one true power, forever and ever, one nation, under (god)...
The father, the son, and the holy (spirit)...
In jesus name,

Greasy filthy hand jobs in truckstop restrooms
Hot carling, all over the place ( )
Hot Carling, ( )
I turned that into a verb, i hope you appreciate it
Carling, Hot Carling Academy, its a school where you go to learn how to buttfuck
They dont have blowjobs there because they are uncircumsized
And that is just disgusting so they have to buttfuck
Which is also disgusting because that extra forskin traps all the germs
And the poop, and the buttfucking residue within
And that is why british people have bad teeth, amen.


Decide! Decide! is this safe to say!?
Decide! Is that your style?
Is this decide!?
Decide! Is this it!
Is this decide!?
Really? Fine!

You walked in here, was it like a dream?
You got in here, was it like it seemed?

I won't say nothing, nothing,
Not a fucking thing!
Wish you woulda said something, something!

Decide! Decide! is this safe to say!?
Decide! Is that your style?
Is this decide!?
Decide! Is this it?
Is this just fine?
Just fine!
Everything is fine!
Everything's just fine!
Everything is fine!
E-very-things fine...

You walked in it, was it like a dream?
You got in it, was it like it seemed?

I won't say nothing, nothing,
Not a fucking thing!
I just wanna say something, something!
And I wish one thing, one thing
Just one fucking thing!
I heard her say something,
Something, something!

Decide! Decide! Is this safe to say!?
Decide! Is that your style?
Is this decide!?
Decide! Is this it?
Is this just fine?
E-very-things fine!
Everything is fine!
Everything just fine!
Everything is fine!

Time gone

Things with you
Always had to be different
You've shown a change
And left us to depart
You always wanted control; don't lie
What happened to sincerity and value?
Must of taken a back seat slide....


You need my ways
You desire my ambition
Too bad they're mine

You want my style
You want my adaptation
You desire my life

Well you can't have it
You organic pervaricate


Universe surrounds,
When you're ready
It waits for us to leave this earth
Come on,
They're calling the name out

I don't know I could stay or leave
Either way
Cause the comet can take us all the way through

Safe, heaven, new
I'll be waving, goodbye

Return to see everything looks the same
I don't know if the change made was grave
Cause the craving remains the same

Safe, heaven, new
I'll be waving, goodbye

I'll be waving,


Monday, February 26, 2007


I know we're just like old friends

We just can't pretend

That lovers make amends

We are reasons so unreal

We can't help but feel that something has been lost

But please you know you're just like me

Next time I promise we'll be



Perfect strangers down the line

Lovers out of time

Memories unwind

So far I still know who you are

But now I wonder who I was...

Angel, you know it's not the end

We'll always be good friends

The letters have been sent on

So please, you always were so free

You'll see, I promise we'll be


Perfect strangers when we meet

Strangers on the street

Lovers while we meet


You know this has to be

We always we're so free

We promised that we'd be


Tuesday, February 13, 2007

7 Words

7 Words

I'll never be the same, breaking decency
Don't be tree trunk, don't fall on my living roots
I've been humming too many words
Got a weak self esteem
That's been stomped away from every single dream
But it's something else, that brought us feaze
Keep it all inside, until we feel we can't unleash
I think that you made it up
I think that your mind is gone
I think you shouldn't glorified - Now your wrong!

Suck (12x)
They fuck with my head
Suck (10x)
Suck it...bitch!!!

You and me are here alone
Face flat along the edge of the glass
But I'm not here to preach, I'm just sick of thugs
My parents made me strong to look up that glass
So why should I try, act like I'm a little pissed off
With all that shit that needs to stay back in the shell
Your fuck ass made it up
Ah, your fucking mind was gone
Should've never glorified - Now your right!

Suck (12x)
They fuck with my head
Suck (10x)
Suck it...bitch!!!

Because you don't know me, shut up you don't know me
Squeal like a pig when you big fuckin', big fuckin'

Well I'll tell you about my smoke stack
What's coming back jack we'll turn back
Curse for in their words, Tell them that you fucking heard
I mean, they know that's what's coming, nigga
I thinking 'bout something naughty, and won't tell anybody
So thinking of me by now but you go grab it
I'd like to think, for who I down this shit, I belong where they be
'Cause we can not get back those lives
We exist to cease - understand
God hates blacks shades and all the players
Mr. P.I.G. cause I fuckin' see
Sure already done crushed, all of my brothers dignity
And to the jury, can't be no turns on my skin looks colored
Does that mean I'm burnt?
'Cause your fuck ass made it up,
Your fuckin' mind was gone
Should've never glorified - Wrong!

Suck! (12x)
They fuck with my head
Suck! (10x)
Suck you bitch!


No means no lie now find out what you get, you're no good
You'll sit around and throw a fuckin' fit
We are here onto you
You're so far, you're fucking gone

You won't get to me 'til you cover me
I don't need this shit 'til you cover me

No means no lie now find out what you get, it's so good
You'll sit around and throw a fuckin' fit
We are here onto you
Give me more, you fucking liar

You won't get to me 'til you cover me
I don't need this shit 'til you cover me

We are here - Mother - in your fear with you
We could be perfect in your world I know

But I will come
I will come
and I will come

I will come
I will come
and I will

I will come
I will come
I will come
I will come


You won't get to me till you cover me
I don't need this shit fuckin' liar



Hear me spit on you, wither I Remold into gold and bury I from - Sun

Reborn left to sigh, recure maybe I'll
Be born and simplify - The way I lie - Before
I get bored, I get bored, I get bored I'm bored
Repent by you and trust to figure out
I burn that gift to doll and let it shine before
I get bored, I get bored, I get bored, I wish for a real one

Fit and confide, before me or I
I will come clean, it gets worse - it's more
Get bored, I get bored, I get bored, A wish for a real one
Get bored, Get bored, Get bored, I wish for a real one


Friday, February 09, 2007

And So On... (by Brittle Art)

You think
I've got to be this
I'll always be there
For your problems

You've gone the other direction
With your actions
You're all wrong

It's tough to go on
Living all wrong
Tryin to be strong
And so on

Beg for my hand
That's the plan
I wish you'd understand

And that's why

Falling down
Once again
We scream outloud
You pull my hand
You have to use
Use your mind
Your answers will come in time

I can't be
The one that you
Always look to
For an answer

So please
Just don't bother
I'm not a shoulder
To cry on

It's tough to go on
Living all wrong
Tryin to be strong
And so on

Beg for my hand
That's the plan
I wish you'd understand

And that's why

Falling down
Once again
We scream outloud
You pull my hand
You have to use
Use your mind
Your answers will come in time

And so on

I want you to know
I don't mean
This in a bad way
I'm not trying to
Push you away

You must know
I'm only human
I still love you
And so on

It's tough to go on
Living all wrong
Tryin to be strong
And so on

Beg for my hand
That's the plan
I wish you'd understand

And that's why

Falling down
Once again
We scream outloud
You pull my hand
You have to use
Use your mind
Your answers will come in time

And so on (x4)

Potential lyrics for...

And so we say
That things do betray

But really now
What's that worth

Time for a change
Its no wonder the way things fell

Don't you know
What I've done
Because now I'm fallen
And yeah I'm down

All those things that were said
All those feelings that were fed

But now....

The striking fearing soothing sensation
You feel
Stems from me....

Stems from me...

It stems......

Deciphering #7

I see your face
And the look to betray
It's safe to say
I'm just glad I walked away

And the things you said
The things you read
The tears you shed

But I know I...(hold)

I hate the truth against the things I do

Come inside
Its something I cannot hide

Time for change
Don't matter what you say
So I walk away
From the things I did

I never understand
I had a better plan

Just let me be

Pins and Needles fall from grey skies
Down upon my head
I won't tell her
And we believe
That this reflection is of me
Is of Me!!

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Shenmue III

Ok update for you fellow Shenmue fans....

According to IGN...

Shenmue 3
Developer: AM-2
Publisher: SEGA/Microsoft
What Was Promised
Yu Suzuki's vision of an open-world RPG epic grew into one of the most costly titles in the history of gaming. With Dreamcast sales low, Suzuki's plans to release at least three episodes of Shenmue were cut short. Shenmue II, released in Japan and Europe on Dreamcast, was later published in North America by Microsoft on Xbox. The attention from MS raised hope that the story of Ryo Hazuki would be completed on Xbox or Xbox 360. In fact, in 2003, the man responsible for bringing Shenmue II to Xbox, Shin Ishikawa, promised fans would see more Shenmue on Xbox. Yu Suzuki has also stated that we would see Shenmue III, but possibly in a different form than expected (such as a movie).

Where It Stands
In a 2006 interview with Japanese online magazine DoNews, Suzuki broke the hearts of thousands of fans. He stated that Shenmue III was currently not in development. Suzuki did give a ray of hope, telling EGM that "if there's a demand for it, we'd love to make it." Shenmue may be a financially challenging title to resurrect, but Suzuki appears very enamored with the game. Can he really leave fans hanging for much longer?

My thoughts: DAMNIT!! (ugh) BUUT I am hoping for a movie or something outta it...

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Tuesday, January 30, 2007



The most irritating thing:

DAMN KIDS & THEIR BANDWITH day...i'll burn...burn em all....BOOHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Afternoon Ride

Take a little bit of time
Chase it down with a glass of wine
Makes the crowd feel a little less
With a bit more death

There's a pantry inside
With a little bit of lime
Because actions take time
So sit down, enjoy whats passing

I've waited a long time
And now I'm still waiting
My number has been called
So will you wait for me?

Because I've wasted a lot of time
Thinking so sublime
When really it's susberia
Playing in the background
And yes sir; I'm tired

I've waited a long time
And now I'm still waiting
So now I'm here

Let's go


Monday, January 29, 2007


There's time
For some simple answers
You've claimed I'm inhumane
Well if it's so; then why do you care?

What lies doesn't really lay
If nothing can ever stick; then why even try?
You've said "I never played this game"
Well if it's true; then why do you care?

She fell and I'm through
Take me back from this place
There is some time again
Maybe dwelling is done...

I know, my thoughts are real
She confirms so
Where does this go?

You've slammed my thoughts down
And left me to bruise
There is some time again
What will we plan?

But the funny thing is
You never will know
The feeling never fades
But why do I even compensate
For those messed up times

Shenmue I & II

Lately, I've been digging up older titles and playing them etc etc. Most will find their favorite video game or video game franchise intresting because of how the gameplay of the game is or the story or lighting..I could go on and on. But the Shenmue games have always been highly valued in my mind because of its story (and also how much it feels like a movie), so I have copied down the story for those that are intrested.

The story of Shenmue, which begins in 1986, centers on a young man named Ryo Hazuki (芭月 涼 Hazuki Ryō). Ryo returns home one day just in time to witness his father's killing at the hands of a man named Lan Di. Both Lan Di and Ryo's father, Iwao Hazuki, are martial arts experts, but Iwao is no match for Lan Di's abilities. Lan Di enigmatically asks for "the mirror," and Iwao, unable to feign ignorance, reveals that it is buried underneath his sakura tree. Land Di finds the mirror and examines the decoration of a dragon, after killing Iwao. Ryo feels the need to avenge his father's death, even though he has no idea who Lan Di is or why his father was killed.
Ryo's first clue is a car that some of his neighbors saw on the day of the murder. Though his leads are few and far between, Ryo slowly makes progress in his investigation by interviewing people all over Yokosuka. Just as he is about to run out of leads, a letter from a man named Yuanda Zhu suggests that he seek the aid of a certain Master Chen, who works at the harbor. Through Chen and his son Guizhang, Ryo learns that a local wharf gang known as the Mad Angels is connected to Lan Di's crime organization, the Chiyoumen. Ryo also learns that "the mirror" stolen by Lan Di is part of a set of two mirrors. After much investigation, he locates the second mirror underneath his father's dojo. This mirror is decorated with a phoenix.
Ryo takes a job on the waterfront in order to learn more about the Mad Angels gang, and eventually he causes them enough trouble that the gang kidnaps his friend (and principle love interest) Nozomi Harasaki. To rescue Nozomi, Ryo must first fight Guizhang, then team up with Guizhang to defeat all seventy members of the Mad Angels gang. Upon defeat, the gang's leader reveals to Ryo that Lan Di has left Japan for Hong Kong. With the aid of the Chen family as well as his family and friends, Ryo boards a boat to Hong Kong. Before the close of the first chapter (and subsequent end of the game itself), he is instructed by Master Chen to seek out the help of a master of the Chinese martial arts located in Wan Chai named Lishao Tao. Concluding the first chapter of Shenmue, Ryo boards a boat and travels to Hong Kong in pursuit of Lan Di.

Continuing the story...

Shenmue II takes place in four main areas – Aberdeen, Wan Chai, Kowloon Walled City, and Guilin. The story continues the quest of the 18-year-old martial artist Ryo Hazuki to hunt down Lan Di, the mysterious Chinese man who murdered his father and stole a strange mirror with a dragon design.
Early on, Ryo's main goal is to locate and learn from Master Lishao Tao who will be able to help him find Yuanda Zhu, as he was instructed to do so at the close of the first installment. Yuanda Zhu, according to Master Chen, can help Ryo find Lan Di. In the midst of uncovering clues to Tao's whereabouts, he inadvertently becomes involved with the inner workings of Aberdeen and discovers the existence of a gang known as The Heavens.
Ryo meets Lishao Tao who happens to be a woman named Xiuying. She lets Ryo stay with her and teaches him a great deal about martial arts and about himself. She tries to show him that he has no chance against Lan Di and that his quest is bound to lead him down an evil path.
Lishao Tao is unwilling to aid Ryo in his search for Yuanda Zhu and so Ryo works on his own to find him. She does however, keep somewhat of a watchful eye over Ryo. Ryo soon discovers that the only person who is aware of Zhu's location is the leader of The Heavens, Wuying Ren (who is commonly referred to as Ren throughout). With the help of Joy and Wong, Ryo is able to locate the base where The Heavens operate from and soon meets with Ren. However, Ren initially sets out to pull con after con on Ryo until Ryo finally confronts him during a hectic chase that culminates in the revelation of the existence of the phoenix mirror to Ren and Ren seizing the opportunity he believes it holds to help Ryo in exchange for whatever amount of money that might be involved.
Shortly after that, Ryo meets again with Ren in Kowloon and begins his quest to pinpoint the location of Yuanda Zhu. Throughout the course of this, he (and Ren) discover that they are not the only people searching for Zhu and they soon discover that Dou Niu, the leader of a gang known as The Yellowheads (which, fittingly, are the rivals to Ren's own gang) and his partner, a woman called Yuan, are also hunting Zhu down in an effort to turn the man over into Lan Di's custody.
After acquiring a number of clues, Ryo finally makes his way to a seemingly abandoned building in a section of Kowloon. There he finally sees Yuanda Zhu but his meeting is cut short when Dou Niu, Yuan and a number of the members of The Yellowheads appear behind him. In the midst of an ensuing battle that forces Ryo out of the building, The Yellowheads kidnap Zhu and lock him up in their headquarters while they wait for the arrival of Lan Di.
Ryo, with the help of Ren (and later Wong and Joy), then makes a last gambit to rescue Zhu from his captors. Together, he and Ren storm the Yellowhead headquarters, often getting separated from each other in the process. During a notable sequence of events, Ryo is led to an underground elevator and fighting arena where he discovers that Joy has been taken hostage by thugs and a powerful martial artist named Baihu. He engages him in combat under the agreement that if he wins, Joy is to be set free.
Beyond that, Ryo (with Joy in tow) soon comes to the building where Dou Niu (along with Zhu and Wong - Wong who had been captured along with Joy but separated for undisclosed reasons) are positioned atop the roof (this takes place on the highest building in Kowloon). Once Ryo reaches the roof he is rejoined by Ren and while there he notices Lan Di hovering above on a rope ladder dangling from a helicopter.
Despite the momentary distraction, Ryo then engages Dou Niu in battle for the final time. In the aftermath, he is able to save Zhu from the clutches of Lan Di but he is unable to stop Lan Di from fleeing the area. Shortly thereafter, Ryo and Zhu discuss many things while in Ren's hideout near the outskirts of Kowloon.
Zhu reveals the real name of Lan Di (Longsun Zhao) and the purpose behind the two mirrors depicting the phoenix and the dragon, in which they reveal the location of a treasure that is destined to lead to the resurrection of the Qing Dynasty. Zhu tells Ryo that he would be better off looking for information in Bailu Village in Guilin. Ryo though is more interested in the region because he is told that Lan Di is headed there. At the end of the scene it appears that Ren intends to follow along on Ryo's quest though he does not depart with him.
The game comes to an ambiguous close shortly after Ryo reaches Guilin and encounters a young woman named Ling Shenhua, an inhabitant of Bailu Village (who he had only seen in the previous installment through dream sequences), and it is here that it is revealed that the title "Shenmue" refers to an ancient tree. Shenhua leads Ryo to her home on the village outskirts and upon arrival Ryo discovers that her family has some sort of connection with the mirrors. They travel to the stone quarry her father works in to find it completely abandoned. There is a cryptic note and a strange sword there. Using the sword and the mirror Ryo sets off a device revealing a massive depiction of the two mirrors. Near the end of the game things start to change with Shenhua seeming to have somewhat supernatural powers and the device in the caves causing the sword of the seven stars to float.
The game ends on this cliffhanger saying that the saga will continue.



Pull me up by my shirt
Sure, I'm a jerk
Attack in the only way you know
I know the fury
I'm the mirror; you'll see

It's hard
I know - I'm a bit older now
And I know it's hard to be apart
The ways in which you and I know
Become our only plan

You're leaving
I'm arriving
Don't hold on to me anymore
You're stuck
I'm free; but I'll tell you
It's no pleasant breeze

So please be like a good friend
And leave me be
I need to see this on my own
Alone for a short time
I will see you again
The tide will rise
You will ride again

Many Times

Many Times

We started off
A plain ordinary view
We've got something in mind
But now I've seen the other way
And it's hard to decide
But I'm heading to the center
Again, I'm heading off

You'll see these ways eventually
Because it's all the same
I've heard too many times
To let go
And sure enough
It'll happen again

I've got so much to leave
And i'm going; going to the center
I'll hang up my keys and lay down
Too many times I've heard otherwise

You'll see these ways eventually

Thursday, January 25, 2007

SoMEthIng NEw....>.><> (Unpredicability)

Where in the world is das BLIESTIFT!?



(Oh the beautiful writing process)
While you wait in the van

Hey wait
Great Smile
Sensitive to fate not

You'll call me your friend
I'll be the one who stands, askewed
We'll think about the times
I can go places
Would you like to come?

There's some time left
There's a couple songs left
Who knows when it'll end
Or does everything become the blight?

Why the other way?

Do you need some Anodyne
Because I'll give you some of mine
But don't return the vial
Because it'll be empty, just like you...

But I'm still your friend
I'll stick through the rough times
Lay me down and cross my arms
Finally accepted...

There's some time left
There's a couple songs left
Who knows when it ends
Or does everything become the blight?

I'll show you the sights
I'll give you the world if you want
Just let me know, sometimes
Sacred parts, why me?
Scattered thoughts, you're so lovely

Wednesday, January 24, 2007


Thursday, January 18, 2007

ehhh Blast From the Past ehe?

We could catch the summer time warmth
We could meet up somewhere
You'll tell me I'm wrong
You'll know when it happens
Because it always does...

Times change
And now we feel so distant
I'll never see this sight ever again
In the various ways of showing
You'll tell me there's nothing

I wish I could live off your mind
There'd be so much to go around
So now...
Tell me that I'm wrong and shove me away
Because it's always that way

Times change and now we're different
There'll be a time again, I know
But for now I'll step away
And crawl into a dark hole
But be sure
To come and get me
Because I'll need some company
You scored as Cheshire Cat. You love to make no sense. You're a smart aleck and love to play pranks on people. Confusing people to the point of frustration is your main goal in life.

Which Alice in Wonderland Character are YOU?
created with

White Rabbit
Cheshire Cat
The Mad Hatter
Queen of Hearts
Tweedle Dee & Dum


I wonder what ridiculous spelt backwards is....

Wednesday, January 17, 2007


Blue skies overhead
Searing pain, inside
He who looks, will fall

Damaging the earth
Supreme Beings
Begin to think

And who has the time
The notion to procede
The rise and fall

Left alone with hope
One begins to grow
And see the final project
Smashed against the wall

And who has the time...

Staring at the Queen

Marvel at her beauty
Listen to her rule
She rules you

Oh yes, she does