Wednesday, August 22, 2007


Momentarily; I'll show this place
It's bare but it's all right
This place will liven up
I swear

You'll stand there, day and night
Caputured in your pose
Oh i'm ready for the catch
I swear

Protected beneathe the glass
You look so fine
The stars greet you every night
I swear

I'm in awe
I remember this spot being bare
But now all I have is thought
And this seems like work
I don't know if I can take the break
Because you're so still and strong
Oh I hope i'm just wrong
Yeah, I'm wrong

These suppliers are on wait
I'm on the take
My heart is not fake
But I fear we aren't on the same page
My habits of obscurity flatter your mentality
With delight and uncertainty

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