Monday, June 18, 2007

DEFTONES! (continued)

Last Night:


4 Years in the making....

But anyways, yeah shizite it was great.

Some how some way I got up in the 21+ area and all I have to say about the chicks is hot daaammmn (chris tucker style)

Fall of Troy's singer/guitarist was how should I say a bit loose? His left leg kept flailing in all sorts of ways but his body remained the same. Dir En Grey were up to their usual antics. Deftones opened up with "Passenger" and the entire time Chino & Crew had the stage I was so stoked. Deftones played almost all of "Around the Fur" and most of "Adrenaline." They also played a few good hits off of "White Pony" like "Digital Bath" and "Back to School." Chino rejuvenated me by stating these simple words "This is [When Girls Telephone Boys]" Which then lead to the Deftones to play most of their self titled album "Deftones" (my favorite).
Goddamn it was a good show. (I wish they would have played "Hexagram"....)
Deftones also rocked the house with a lot of songs of their latest "Saturday Night Wrist" The few they played were "Cherry Waves", "Hole in The Earth", "Rats!Rats!Rats!", and "Beware."

I also got two new shirts.

But in other news, "Do penguins practice the missionary position or do they pull a Gary Coleman?"

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