Wednesday, August 22, 2007


Momentarily; I'll show this place
It's bare but it's all right
This place will liven up
I swear

You'll stand there, day and night
Caputured in your pose
Oh i'm ready for the catch
I swear

Protected beneathe the glass
You look so fine
The stars greet you every night
I swear

I'm in awe
I remember this spot being bare
But now all I have is thought
And this seems like work
I don't know if I can take the break
Because you're so still and strong
Oh I hope i'm just wrong
Yeah, I'm wrong

These suppliers are on wait
I'm on the take
My heart is not fake
But I fear we aren't on the same page
My habits of obscurity flatter your mentality
With delight and uncertainty

Saturday, August 18, 2007


This soul grows quick
It matures and wicks
Maybe we'll wick as one
I don't know
Kyla cries Interlude
I say "Why not?"
These delicate matters
Are just ways of notice
This soul will mature
There are lots days
And faith will fight
On ways we look
There are many things we see
Lots of fallen debris
Kyla cries Interlude

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Oh Lacey, I think Jupiter is turning
And Mars is on the horizon
Hold onto to these dimensions
I'll show you the depths of my room
I'll show you the depths of my gloom

Sensation creation
This is why I hold you close
C'mon lets go get you some clothes
Because you're certainly far too cold
Lacey, Jupiter is turning
And mars is on the horizion

All this time I finally figured out
That error played its part
And I turned away
Add me to that pile; I'm good for the worth
The moon is rising in me
And Mars is on the horizion

Keep your mind in pieces just in case
You need to hide some lonely parts
So come with me show me your display
of damp that surrounds your blushing ambition

I came across you here in this time
I know I lost you
I came to you
You came to me
Oh you came to me, Lacey

Now times are going fast
Why couldn't it be slow anymore
I'm left on the edge
I'm like broken glass; shattered and viewtiful

Slow maybe too slow
But here comes the moon in orbit with mars
Here's where the real magic is done

And Now I Think

I've seen these marks before
I've been strapped down and sore
I'm quite used to looking face down in the dirt.
I lived there all my life; hoping for something great.
I think I've found it now even though I just turned face up

I've seen these marks before
Now I'm breaking out
Yeah here I go.
And sure who doesn't fall along the way
But what matters is the sites you take in
And the pictures you take
These nights become so late
The faring moon greets you a new

I've seen these marks before
I've been without rest
And now I think I know why
Oh I know why
It's these thoughts that keep me wondering
Of prosperity and uncertainty
And now I'm gone
Hold it until I'm back

It's my thoughts in my head
It's my past that keeps me ahead
But please, you're the only one who can change that
Take me down slowly, I like it that way
And now I think I know why
It's taken me along time
Of these matters of realization and rebellion

But oh those old times when I was face down
They bring me back to where I came
Shown me things in a grey light
And now I'm here; taking in the new sites, thinking head over heels, and now things are surreal

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Part Uno

The buildings and skies were grey. This was war. The entire strip was on fire. The sand on the beaches had turned to a mixture of gray and green. The oceans became a toxic soup for all sea life. This world was a warzone. Policital struggles were just a small contributer to this wreck. The polar ice caps had melted some time ago. We should do what we always do when things come to a extreme end. They load on the material into a shuttle bound for space and then detonate from remote control. However it may have seemed like a good idea. The situations with foriegn countries were peaking. World War III seemed like it was on the horizon. To top it all, from collaborations of hazardous material that had exploded in space, had collected. From top astronomists from the globe, the exploded material was enroute to intercept Earth. This comet some say was work of god.

This is hell on earth.

Weeks before the polar ice caps had melted some homeless people I had encountered on the streets were saying "Beware the water." "Do you like the way the water tastes?" I was oblivious to what they meant. Had these people know all along about the world going to shit? I wouldn't know. On my daily route to work, I always stop by to check on my friend Josh. Josh usually would give me some good gossip on things in the local area. Sometimes he would tell me about drug deals that would be going down and he'd see if he could get in the score. Girls that split with their boyfriends. New jobs, sports, food card discounts, cars, anything this guy could talk your ear off.

"Hey Josh, how are ya doin?"
"You crazy fuck, wait till you hear this!"
"What's up?" Josh motioned me to sit down in his little patio porch. Josh's patio was nice. Made from oak, really hard shit. Expensive too in this day and age. Josh's patio reminded me of like a mob meeting place or something. Just the way of he talked always reminded me of a mob guy, even though I knew damn well this guy did nothing. Josh lived on his own and he liked it like that. Money was never a real problem for him. Before the stock market crisis of 34' his parents had invested a ton of money into a trust account for him. After several account matuarations he was well made.

"Have a fuckin sit you whore!"
"Ok ok, jeez what's the big deal?"
"Well do you remember that incident that happened with the middle east, the one with the discovery of the madagratze?"
"Yeah what about it?"
"Well I guess on the news today, the middle east has collaborated with russia and you know what that means."
"Oh jesus, that means it's pretty much us and them, I mean espeically with every other country with their own civil wars and epidemics. There's no way they'd get involved even if every fat fuck politiican wanted to. They just can't."
"Exactly, and I've been thinking lately..."
"Oh yeah about what?"
"Well I mean with this new update, and the majority of homeless people chanting 'beware the water' and shit like that; I wonder if they know something?"
"Well what's going on with the capital? I mean did they respond at all to this?"
"Oh come on you know how every little threat is thrown at our government."
"Let me guess there was a "no worry" speech on T.V. and the big guy has decided that we will welcome any danger and go face it because we are supreme?
"Well you pretty much hit the nail on the head there buddy."
"Heh whaddya expect out of our own government." I said

The clock rang three bells and I had totally forgotten about work. "Shit! Josh I gotta catch ya later man! I'm late for work!"
"Ok well you stop by later and just maybe we'll burn our nation's flag heh?"
"(laughs) right on! later alligator!"

I exited his patio door and walked out onto the streets. These streets never changed. It's as if there was always the same amount of trash. The same amount of business suits walking. The same amount of young adults walking down the streets. The same couples holding hands walking down the avenue. Like everything was in a timeless era. I started up the street. I worked at multi-business orientated building approximately 50 stories high. The front entrace hall was always littered with homeless. It was so annoying. I worked on all the floors. I was a mail carrier. I delivered everywhere in the building. There was a team of us. Each of us would be assigned a section to the building with our totes and letters that had already been sorted out. The front entrance man was a sterotypical security guard. Tall, bald, and spoke in monotone. "Good afternoon Ma.." "Sorry Steve, I gotta get down there and clock in I'm runnin late!" "Oh I know how that goes." I opened the door labeled "Employees Only" and thats when it happened. The ground shook violently and the lights went out for a second only to be returned with the emergency power. Another violent shake happened and threw me down on my back. The windows outside showed people falling to ground. Another shake happened and then I finally saw what these shakes were. They were bombs falling from the skies. People were being thrown from these explosions that were closed to them. I put my hands the ground and pushed myself up. Upon standing, a sudden alarm was heard and the emergency lights were flashing maroon. "Code maroon, we're under terroistic attack." They taught you this kinda shit just so you know. One less person that is running around in complete pandemonium. At least that's the way I looked at it. I started thinking about those people upstairs. I needed to see what was happening outside. I ran around a hoarde of crying people in the lobby area and pushed the doors open. I looked left and right and saw people lying the streets. Bombs were still hitting the ground, I could feel them. I looked up and saw my building on fire. It was as if someone took a rifle and fired quail shot and this building. I ran back inside the building. Steve ran to me and shouted "We're under attack, according to the folks on the west coast they're fucked like us. Every major city is being bombed like this!!"
"Even the midwest?" I asked. "Yeah!" That's when I fell to the ground and I stayed down. And that's the last thing I remember.

I opened my eyes. The place was quiet. I moved my head around. Steve was gone. I tried to get up when suddenly three men in chemical suits came in and exclaimed "Don't Move!"

To Be Continued...

Friday, August 10, 2007


Mr. Shiver I'm glad you sent a line.
Euphoria's endearing.
But it's cold,
We might as well retire.
To the drawer where all used things resign.

Mr. shiver, in the river,
You were sold.
You were told.
I do, I do.
If we make it over the mountain.

Dressed in leather, red ball and vault attire;
The most ironic place to be is easy...
Between my finger and the blade, right before I let the used resign.

Mr. shiver, in the river,
You were sold.
You were told.
I do, I do.
If we make it over the mountain.

You might lose the one you choose.
You might lose who won you times ten.