Tuesday, July 18, 2006

"The situation you live in, doesn't have to live in you."

Saturday, July 15, 2006

That Soothing Sound...

Lying in my bed
Without a fear in my head (my eyes closed)
I'm flying throughout the sky
Seeing through every lie
I feel free
I feel a little more like me
Soaring high now
Heh, I used to bow
Now i just smile
Even at the vile

I wonder now what happens
Even if there is no end
Confusion, Monetary Diffusion
It makes no difference
Only to make a bleak reference
Of a miniscule situation
Or to ensue definite molestation

But hey!
Lets fly high!
Forget that old pain & emptyness
And fuel your own happiness!

Feel the beat
Move & feel
Its a simple beat

Friday, July 14, 2006


Sittin at home
Hanging around the phone
My friend calls me up and says
"It's eleven o six, its time to pick up some chicks."
We drive around town
Not before long, we're back at the starting ground.

Meanwhile in our heads...
"It's eleven o six, time to pick up some chicks."
[repeat until verbal desire is reached]

We stand in the orangish light
Remembering all of our beginning delights
Dinosaurs, Cars, Building Forts
We reflect on those times to somehow better ourselves
But I say to him, we shouldn't dwell on that, isn't that selfish?
He smiles and says to me "Snap, Crackle, Mitch, and Pop."
I laugh uncontrollably and fall over plop on the ground.

Meanwhile in our heads...
"It's eleven o six, time to pick up some chicks."
[repeat until verbal desire is reached]

Me & him sit on the curb looking left & right
Remembering all that was casted in positive light
We stand & walk the street
Pretty soon we see everyone else walking
We look at each other and say "What's happening?"

Meanwhile in our heads
"It's eleven o six, time to pick up some chicks."
[repeat until verbal desire is reached]

Everyone gets together
Standing close to each other
An explosion of laughter explodes from one another
We all laugh
We all laugh so hard, we weeze
So much we say to ourselves "Jeez!"
"How long have we been like this? This is nuts!"
"Oh well, thats in the past"
"Looks like the future is runnin in here fast!"

Even after we are happy now we still say...

"It's eleven o six, time to pick up some chicks."

Monday, July 10, 2006

Prom Song

Everyone else is asking
Looks like they want me too
Too bad, I'm breaking
I really want too but
I'd just sound like a fool
Underneathe everything
They say I'm so lonely
I just hope I'm not phoney
Oh god, I hope, I'm willing to bet

There I see her thinkin about her dance
She's off thinking about her ex
I stand there throwing everything out
Then she makes my day all go so horrible minced.
Holding her hand
Looking into her eyes
I see where I stand
I hope I'm not living in her lies

Oh no
I never
Thought it would be like this
Draining me for all of my inner bliss
Seems like I'm destined to fall apart
Fall down and collect every bit of bark
On my way down this gigantic tree
That I thought could make me glee
But now, I'm so terrified
I should have jumped off this tree along time ago
Make sure that I'd never breathe this air
Goddamn ego
But I know you don't care

A View (Scoots Incarnate)

Today whilst at work, my coworker & I had to go to USC Housing. Fine & dandy it was, (pretty boring I almost fell asleep). Brian was computing away at a terminal trying to hookup a scanner. I was sitting in the chair in front of the desk. My head held up by hand. I looked out the window. There I saw a bunch load of kids from the USC Youth Group. I thought back to what I used to do when I was in the youth group. I used to go wherever my brother went, because well I was a very very quiet kid. Then I saw him. A kid I haven't seen since he was a toddler. His name is Tanner, but the thing about Tanner is that Tanner looks exactly like me, I'll have to get a snapshot of him and get a picture of me when I was just a little chump just like him. His face, walk, frame, and even the way how he talks. Tanner even wants to be a marine biologist, which was what I wanted to do at that age. Tanner was with his brother Hunter. From what it seemed like, the youth group was watering the gardens.

I also noticed one thing that still is rampant in the youth group. The cliques. Now that I'm older than everyone in those cliques, I could identify all the cliques. There were the "2 cool 4 school kids (a.k.a in my own terms...G-Unit kids)" These kids were the wannabe badasses that think they are the top shit because they wear their south pole T-shirts & listen to rap. These kids are pretty much top of the ladder.
Another group is the drama stars. These kids aren't all that bad. They just love to expose problems & throw salt in the wounds so to say. A mass majority of the youth group was under this. These kids dress to the popular trends, and for some reason, natives can't get enough of South Pole. So they appear to look like the "2 cool 4 school crew" but underneath the superficiality & drama, they are actually pretty cool kids.
The final group of kids are the kids that are there just to have fun. These kids appear to be either dressed in the white shirt, blue jean shorts & sandals esque type of clothing, or dressed in the darker colors. These kids keep to themselves and wait to get invited to all the group activites.

I stood up from my chair and said to Brian. "Hey, I'll be back in a 5 mins that ok?" Brian said "Yeah, I'll be right here (sigh)." I chuckeled and walked outside. I walked towards the youth group and walked up to their chaperone, Berta. Berta is the Native American Counselor at the school I attend. After talking with her about my college plans and whatnot. I ask her just like a little kid "Berta...may I go water the plants?" She laughed and gave me a water pail. I saw the 2 cool crew standing by a tree, they saw me and did the "nod". So I walked over and said "Whats up fellas?" They give me the whole "Scoooooots" title greeting. I shoot the breeze with these kids, askin them about what they've been doin & shit like that. This crew is at the point of either being active jackasses. Not to the older kids, but to the younger crew. I finally say "So where is Tanner & Hunter at?" All of a sudden I hear, "Oh that fat fuck he's over there." I retalliate by saying "Hey man! What the hell are doing callin him that?" They look at me with a scared kind of look. I stand up right next to this kid. This guy is going to be in the 9th grade, just a little guy. Let's remember that I used to be the fat pudgy little kid like Tanner, so I know what it's like to be him. To be afraid because he looks different from the rest, and from that I know how to handle little fAWKS like this kid. "I better not hear you call him that again, same for the rest of you guys, you guys are gonna be going to High School here soon, if you keep this up, you're gonna get eaten alive there, I'm just warning you guys, cutback on the name calling & you'll save yourself a lot of trouble." They stand there in silence. I walk off to go find Tanner & Hunter.

I walk on the otherside of the prarie garden and there they are. Both of them laying down on the ground lookin at a bunch of plants. I walk over casually and sit down next to them. "Hey guys, remember me?" Hunter has this puzzled look on his face, all of a sudden Tanner says "You're Scoooots!" I smile and say "Yep thats me!" Hunter, Tanner's older brother was the athletic type of kind and had more friends that Tanner. Hunter asks me "Whats your real name?" So I tell him "My name is Elliott, I work at the same place where your mom does." "Okay." Hunter says. Hunter gets up and heads into the USC Housing known as "The Big House." I'm still blown away by how much this kid looks like me. So I ask Tanner "So Tanner, what grade are you gonna be in this year?" He replies "Third..." I chuckle. Tanner asks "What?" I say "Well I remember 3rd grade for me and this one time my friend of mine Bobby and me....." After I told Tanner the story he says "Wow!" in that little kid voice. I ask "Do you have a girrrrrlllfriend Tanner?" He starts turning red and says "Noooooo!" I laugh. Tanner giggles. A good generation of vibes. "Well Tanner, I gotta get back to work but you stay cool ok? Tanner replies "Okay!" I get up and walk back into "The Big House"

I walk back into the office. Brian sitting there with the glazed eye look. "Still not workin?" I ask. "Nothin new at all..." Brian replies. I chuckle and sit back down in the chair. "Another long day ahead of us..." I say Brian nods.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

"You die by how you live."

Tuesday, July 04, 2006


These days are dark and the nights are cold
People acting like they lost their soul
And everywhere I go I see another person like me
Trying to make it all feel like home

I'm just trying to make some sense in my mind
Escape with some rhythm and rhyme

Monday, July 03, 2006

DiV!Nity (II)

"Whats the matter Vin?" Ari asked nervously

"...I don't know its probably nothing, still wanna watch a movie?" Vin replied

"Sure!" Ari said as she popped in the movie into the disc tray.

Vin and Ari sat and watched the movie. Not a word was spoken between the two of them.

"Ari, I had a good time tonight, sorry I wasn't talkative tonight, I think its work got me runnin of fumes." Vin said as he walked towards the door.

"Well you better refuel here soon. It'll be good for you." Ari said.

Vin smiled and said goodnight. He walked towards his door of his apartment. Vin looked at the clock. It read 3:38. "Thank god, I don't have to go to work tomorrow." Vin layed on his couch and turned on his TV. Vin's eyes began to get heavy. The TV seemed to fade out of focus as he fell asleep.


"What do you think?"

"I think he'll do it."


"Yes, its his goal, it will be awhile for him but he'll realize sooner or later."

"What do you think about this One?"

"This one is just the opposite of him, he inspires darkness."

"Doesn't he have qualities of him as well?"

"He does but he has a different mentality, he believes in self-peace. That one believes in struggle, eternal struggle."


The sunlight was hot on Vin's face. The patio window was shining brightly. Vin sat up and looked at the time, 7:45. Vin stood up and walked towards the windowdoor and opened it. His patio chairs were flipped over on their sides. He grabbed the chair and placed it upright, and sat down. The birds in the trees were chirping away happily. Vin dug up his cigarettes from his pocket. Out of the box and into Vin's mouth, he lit it up. Vin said to himself, "Heh shit, what the fuck is happening to me, maybe I should go see a doctor..."

"Or maybe you should start believing." Veronica said

Vin coughed on his saliva in his mouth. He looked around and didn't see her.

"Your in my head aren't you?" Vin said to himself.

"Is that a bad thing?" Veronica asked in response.

Vin laughed out loud. "Its fine, I'm just tryin to take in what you told me last night, thats all."

"Well don't think about it too hard, have fun Vin, don't let this get you down. I know how you are, you're not gonna do what I say, but I think you'll find out eventually."

"What do you mean?" Vin asked

"You'll know when the time comes, but goodbye for now Vin." Veronica said

Vin stood up and looked at the sun.


Yep, I'm back at it again. MUHAHAHAHAHa

You scored as Blue. You are considered to be a very calm person who takes things one at a time and does not worry too much about the consequences. Whatever happens, happens, is your moto. You are the one people come to for advise on most topics, because you are filled with limitless knowledge. You can handle any situation.



















Which Colour Represents You???
created with QuizFarm.com

Sunday, July 02, 2006


In reality, there are no such things as superheroes to the degree of Superman or Spider-Man or anyone else like that. Instead we often look at superheroes as trying to be like them in some way shape or form. Often times the mass majorities tend to cling to a superhero because of what they think they have in common with a superhero. This is the part where I go on and on about how in real life you don't have to be a superhero to be good. Very true. The one thing in life though that relates through comics is villains. Villains will always be there in life. Your boss. Your family. Your friends. Villianry is common in a lot of people. Some of the most outstanding people can be the lowest people in life. The most nobel, looked upon person can with a simple decision be turned vile. Turned to be hated. Turned to be feared. The only thing left to decide is the villian's own perspective on how evil he/she wants to be, or if there is still that that same person can be turned back to superhero status. Everyone in this world can be a superhero. Everyone in this world can be a villian. In the on going clash between good & evil, there will always be conflict. Neverending conflict.

Saturday, July 01, 2006

DiV!Nity (I)

The metropolis always was pulsing alive. Florishing with people doing whatever they wanted. Crime, drugs, whatever. In the northern part of town there was an apartment. The occupants inside the apartment were just ordinary people except for one man and his name was Vin.

Vin was a 24 year old bachelor living alone in his apartment complex, going to work each day, coming home and drinking the night away. Vin's wardrobe was mostly of black and white shirts/pants. Vin always liked to look classy & catchy. Vin had some friends that he would go to the bar with. He had no one that was close to him. Vin never felt compassonate for his buddies. Vin was once in love but now he had become numb so to say. He was a pretty straight forward man just living out his days in the bustling city.

Vin pulled into the lot of his apartment complex. The sun had gone down several hours ago. He locked the car doors and shut his car door. He walked into the apartment complex. He continued on down the hallway until he got to the mailboxes. He pulled out his keys and found his mailbox key. Vin stuck the key into the mailbox key slot and unlocked his mailbox. Just then, the adjacent door opened. A woman stepped outside and exclaimed "Vin!"

"Hey Ari, how's it goin?" Vin asked.

"I'm doin great! Hey! do you wanna watch a movie tonight?" Ari asked.

"Tell you what, I'm gonna shower up and then I'll come over, is that ok?" asked Vin.

"Sure, I'll see you later!" Ari exclaimed as she walked outside the apartment complex doors.

Vin thought to himself as he walked into his apartment, "She's pretty cool, cute too, maybe one of these days I'll..." The phone cut off his thought. He picked up the phone and said "Hello?" No response. "Hello?" Still no response. Vin hung up the phone and made his way to his bedroom. He got a set of clothes, walked into the bathroom and took a nightly shower after a hard day's work. Vin, now feeling better, went to the kitchen and opened up the cupboard door. He grabbed a pack of pop-tarts, he tore the wrapper off and ate them cold. The mushy substance of apple in his throat forced Vin to open up his refrigerator and grab the milk gallon and drink straight from it. The phone rang again. Vin had almost choked on his milk. He sat the gallon back into the refrigerator door and slammed the door shut and ran to the phone.

"Hello?" Vin asked.

"Vin, you know who I am." the voice said

"Huh?" Vin asked in question

"I've known you for awhile now and you still can't remember me?" the voice asked

"Who the hell are you!!" Vin asked in bewilderment.

Suddenly the lights went out. The phone line was silent. Vin did not know what was going on. Rain began to fall from the dark skies. Vin looked around the room in darkness. Vin pulled out a lighter from his pocket. The lighter illumanated the dark room. Vin made his way slowly to the door. Right as when he was going to open the door, the door opened. There was no one behind the door. Vin looked out in the hallway. Darkness had engulfed the hallway. Vin made his way over to Ari's apartment. He knocked a couple of times. Vin decided to enter the apartment. "Ari?" Vin asked. Vin made his way to her living room she was asleep on the couch. "Ari, wake up, Ari..." Ari's eyes opened and looked at Vin. Her eyes were completly black. She quickly hopped up and was walking on the ceiling. Ari was silent, she did not make a sound. Vin was shaking. Ari stopped in front of Vin. She was directly in front of him. Ari's phone began to ring. Vin leaped for it. In a panic stricken voice asked "Hello!?!?"

"Come to the roof..." A woman's voice said

Vin ran out of the apartment and shut the door behind him. He started running up the stairs. Vin thought "What the fuck is happening!?!?" Vin kept running. His muscles ached. Finally, he approached the rooftop door. Vin grabbed the handle and opened the door. Blinding light shined brightly on Vin. Vin covered his eyes. He screamed "What THE HELL IS HAPPENING!?" A breeze began to flow. The door had shut. "You have been chosen Vin."

"What!?" Vin asked

"Chosen to help, to save, to purify." The female voice said

"I don't know what the fuck your saying lady, all I know about whats going on is..." Vin said.

"The girl you care about has become consumed by her own desires." The voice said cutting off Vin.

"What, you saw that?" Vin asked

"Of course, I saw it all, I've been watching you know for awhile now." The voice explained

"Well, who are you?" Vin asked

The light suddenly dimmed down. Vin took his hand away from his eyes. He finally saw this unknown person. Vin asked in question "....Veronica?"

She nodded. Veronica had died several years ago in a shooting in the downtown area. Vin had met Veronica on the subway. Vin's first love. Vin feel to his knees, crying.
"How....how long have you been there for...." Vin asked cutting off

"Since the accident, I've been with you ever since that day." Veronica confirmed.

"But Vin, theres a reason why Ari has become like how she has. Many others will just be like her. What you saw was actually her soul. She was asleep the entire time." Veronica explained.

"She woke up though, she opened her eyes." Vin said

"No, her soul woke up, she was still sleeping, even when the phone rang she never flinched. There are things you don't know about Ari, for instance she's a heavy user of substances...." Veronica continued.

"I swear she must of...." Vin muttered out

"You've seen it before Vin, I know you have, in your dreams, the faces blurred out, darkness taking form of people. I've seen these too, because somehow I'm connected with you, more important Vin, you have the ability to commune with souls. Because well look at this, you're talking with me right now." Veronica said

Vin looked at the ground, tears still coming down his face. Vin looked up at Veronica. Veronica approached Vin. Vin looked Veronica right into his eyes. She hugged him. Vin hugged her tightly.

"Vin, you been going on your entire life wondering what your purpose is, going about your day care free, but when you are alone at night, you think about things. You've been chosen to help these people, Vin you've helped me, helped me to get where I am....with you." Veronica whispered into his ear.

Vin looked Veronica straight in her eyes. "What do I have to do...?" Vin asked.

"You don't have to do a thing, everything thats happened tonight has happened because I needed to tell you what you should do, but really its all up to you. You'll know what you have to do Vin, don't worry, but I've got to go. Veronica said.

The rooftop lights came back on and Veronica began to walk away.

"No! don't leave me!" Vin exclaimed

"I never left you, I'm always with you." Veronica said as she disappeared

Vin wiped the tears off of his face. He opened the rooftop door. Vin peered into the stairway. The lights were on. Vin walked his way back down to his floor. Vin walked down the hall to Ari's apartment. Vin knocked lightly then walked in. He walked quietly to the living room once again. Ari was still there sleeping. The TV volume was as loud as a quite hum. Vin touched Ari's shoulder. Her hand touched Vin's hand. She opened her eyes. Her head turned over to Vin.

"Oh Vin, I'm sorry!" Ari exclaimed

"Its fine Ari, its ok." Vin said

"Ok, well wanna still watch the movie?" Ari asked as she got up to put in the movie

"Actually Ari..." Vin said as he got up. Vin approached Ari and held her by her sides. "Ari......"