Saturday, July 01, 2006

DiV!Nity (I)

The metropolis always was pulsing alive. Florishing with people doing whatever they wanted. Crime, drugs, whatever. In the northern part of town there was an apartment. The occupants inside the apartment were just ordinary people except for one man and his name was Vin.

Vin was a 24 year old bachelor living alone in his apartment complex, going to work each day, coming home and drinking the night away. Vin's wardrobe was mostly of black and white shirts/pants. Vin always liked to look classy & catchy. Vin had some friends that he would go to the bar with. He had no one that was close to him. Vin never felt compassonate for his buddies. Vin was once in love but now he had become numb so to say. He was a pretty straight forward man just living out his days in the bustling city.

Vin pulled into the lot of his apartment complex. The sun had gone down several hours ago. He locked the car doors and shut his car door. He walked into the apartment complex. He continued on down the hallway until he got to the mailboxes. He pulled out his keys and found his mailbox key. Vin stuck the key into the mailbox key slot and unlocked his mailbox. Just then, the adjacent door opened. A woman stepped outside and exclaimed "Vin!"

"Hey Ari, how's it goin?" Vin asked.

"I'm doin great! Hey! do you wanna watch a movie tonight?" Ari asked.

"Tell you what, I'm gonna shower up and then I'll come over, is that ok?" asked Vin.

"Sure, I'll see you later!" Ari exclaimed as she walked outside the apartment complex doors.

Vin thought to himself as he walked into his apartment, "She's pretty cool, cute too, maybe one of these days I'll..." The phone cut off his thought. He picked up the phone and said "Hello?" No response. "Hello?" Still no response. Vin hung up the phone and made his way to his bedroom. He got a set of clothes, walked into the bathroom and took a nightly shower after a hard day's work. Vin, now feeling better, went to the kitchen and opened up the cupboard door. He grabbed a pack of pop-tarts, he tore the wrapper off and ate them cold. The mushy substance of apple in his throat forced Vin to open up his refrigerator and grab the milk gallon and drink straight from it. The phone rang again. Vin had almost choked on his milk. He sat the gallon back into the refrigerator door and slammed the door shut and ran to the phone.

"Hello?" Vin asked.

"Vin, you know who I am." the voice said

"Huh?" Vin asked in question

"I've known you for awhile now and you still can't remember me?" the voice asked

"Who the hell are you!!" Vin asked in bewilderment.

Suddenly the lights went out. The phone line was silent. Vin did not know what was going on. Rain began to fall from the dark skies. Vin looked around the room in darkness. Vin pulled out a lighter from his pocket. The lighter illumanated the dark room. Vin made his way slowly to the door. Right as when he was going to open the door, the door opened. There was no one behind the door. Vin looked out in the hallway. Darkness had engulfed the hallway. Vin made his way over to Ari's apartment. He knocked a couple of times. Vin decided to enter the apartment. "Ari?" Vin asked. Vin made his way to her living room she was asleep on the couch. "Ari, wake up, Ari..." Ari's eyes opened and looked at Vin. Her eyes were completly black. She quickly hopped up and was walking on the ceiling. Ari was silent, she did not make a sound. Vin was shaking. Ari stopped in front of Vin. She was directly in front of him. Ari's phone began to ring. Vin leaped for it. In a panic stricken voice asked "Hello!?!?"

"Come to the roof..." A woman's voice said

Vin ran out of the apartment and shut the door behind him. He started running up the stairs. Vin thought "What the fuck is happening!?!?" Vin kept running. His muscles ached. Finally, he approached the rooftop door. Vin grabbed the handle and opened the door. Blinding light shined brightly on Vin. Vin covered his eyes. He screamed "What THE HELL IS HAPPENING!?" A breeze began to flow. The door had shut. "You have been chosen Vin."

"What!?" Vin asked

"Chosen to help, to save, to purify." The female voice said

"I don't know what the fuck your saying lady, all I know about whats going on is..." Vin said.

"The girl you care about has become consumed by her own desires." The voice said cutting off Vin.

"What, you saw that?" Vin asked

"Of course, I saw it all, I've been watching you know for awhile now." The voice explained

"Well, who are you?" Vin asked

The light suddenly dimmed down. Vin took his hand away from his eyes. He finally saw this unknown person. Vin asked in question "....Veronica?"

She nodded. Veronica had died several years ago in a shooting in the downtown area. Vin had met Veronica on the subway. Vin's first love. Vin feel to his knees, crying.
" long have you been there for...." Vin asked cutting off

"Since the accident, I've been with you ever since that day." Veronica confirmed.

"But Vin, theres a reason why Ari has become like how she has. Many others will just be like her. What you saw was actually her soul. She was asleep the entire time." Veronica explained.

"She woke up though, she opened her eyes." Vin said

"No, her soul woke up, she was still sleeping, even when the phone rang she never flinched. There are things you don't know about Ari, for instance she's a heavy user of substances...." Veronica continued.

"I swear she must of...." Vin muttered out

"You've seen it before Vin, I know you have, in your dreams, the faces blurred out, darkness taking form of people. I've seen these too, because somehow I'm connected with you, more important Vin, you have the ability to commune with souls. Because well look at this, you're talking with me right now." Veronica said

Vin looked at the ground, tears still coming down his face. Vin looked up at Veronica. Veronica approached Vin. Vin looked Veronica right into his eyes. She hugged him. Vin hugged her tightly.

"Vin, you been going on your entire life wondering what your purpose is, going about your day care free, but when you are alone at night, you think about things. You've been chosen to help these people, Vin you've helped me, helped me to get where I am....with you." Veronica whispered into his ear.

Vin looked Veronica straight in her eyes. "What do I have to do...?" Vin asked.

"You don't have to do a thing, everything thats happened tonight has happened because I needed to tell you what you should do, but really its all up to you. You'll know what you have to do Vin, don't worry, but I've got to go. Veronica said.

The rooftop lights came back on and Veronica began to walk away.

"No! don't leave me!" Vin exclaimed

"I never left you, I'm always with you." Veronica said as she disappeared

Vin wiped the tears off of his face. He opened the rooftop door. Vin peered into the stairway. The lights were on. Vin walked his way back down to his floor. Vin walked down the hall to Ari's apartment. Vin knocked lightly then walked in. He walked quietly to the living room once again. Ari was still there sleeping. The TV volume was as loud as a quite hum. Vin touched Ari's shoulder. Her hand touched Vin's hand. She opened her eyes. Her head turned over to Vin.

"Oh Vin, I'm sorry!" Ari exclaimed

"Its fine Ari, its ok." Vin said

"Ok, well wanna still watch the movie?" Ari asked as she got up to put in the movie

"Actually Ari..." Vin said as he got up. Vin approached Ari and held her by her sides. "Ari......"

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