Friday, July 14, 2006


Sittin at home
Hanging around the phone
My friend calls me up and says
"It's eleven o six, its time to pick up some chicks."
We drive around town
Not before long, we're back at the starting ground.

Meanwhile in our heads...
"It's eleven o six, time to pick up some chicks."
[repeat until verbal desire is reached]

We stand in the orangish light
Remembering all of our beginning delights
Dinosaurs, Cars, Building Forts
We reflect on those times to somehow better ourselves
But I say to him, we shouldn't dwell on that, isn't that selfish?
He smiles and says to me "Snap, Crackle, Mitch, and Pop."
I laugh uncontrollably and fall over plop on the ground.

Meanwhile in our heads...
"It's eleven o six, time to pick up some chicks."
[repeat until verbal desire is reached]

Me & him sit on the curb looking left & right
Remembering all that was casted in positive light
We stand & walk the street
Pretty soon we see everyone else walking
We look at each other and say "What's happening?"

Meanwhile in our heads
"It's eleven o six, time to pick up some chicks."
[repeat until verbal desire is reached]

Everyone gets together
Standing close to each other
An explosion of laughter explodes from one another
We all laugh
We all laugh so hard, we weeze
So much we say to ourselves "Jeez!"
"How long have we been like this? This is nuts!"
"Oh well, thats in the past"
"Looks like the future is runnin in here fast!"

Even after we are happy now we still say...

"It's eleven o six, time to pick up some chicks."

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