Monday, July 03, 2006

DiV!Nity (II)

"Whats the matter Vin?" Ari asked nervously

"...I don't know its probably nothing, still wanna watch a movie?" Vin replied

"Sure!" Ari said as she popped in the movie into the disc tray.

Vin and Ari sat and watched the movie. Not a word was spoken between the two of them.

"Ari, I had a good time tonight, sorry I wasn't talkative tonight, I think its work got me runnin of fumes." Vin said as he walked towards the door.

"Well you better refuel here soon. It'll be good for you." Ari said.

Vin smiled and said goodnight. He walked towards his door of his apartment. Vin looked at the clock. It read 3:38. "Thank god, I don't have to go to work tomorrow." Vin layed on his couch and turned on his TV. Vin's eyes began to get heavy. The TV seemed to fade out of focus as he fell asleep.


"What do you think?"

"I think he'll do it."


"Yes, its his goal, it will be awhile for him but he'll realize sooner or later."

"What do you think about this One?"

"This one is just the opposite of him, he inspires darkness."

"Doesn't he have qualities of him as well?"

"He does but he has a different mentality, he believes in self-peace. That one believes in struggle, eternal struggle."


The sunlight was hot on Vin's face. The patio window was shining brightly. Vin sat up and looked at the time, 7:45. Vin stood up and walked towards the windowdoor and opened it. His patio chairs were flipped over on their sides. He grabbed the chair and placed it upright, and sat down. The birds in the trees were chirping away happily. Vin dug up his cigarettes from his pocket. Out of the box and into Vin's mouth, he lit it up. Vin said to himself, "Heh shit, what the fuck is happening to me, maybe I should go see a doctor..."

"Or maybe you should start believing." Veronica said

Vin coughed on his saliva in his mouth. He looked around and didn't see her.

"Your in my head aren't you?" Vin said to himself.

"Is that a bad thing?" Veronica asked in response.

Vin laughed out loud. "Its fine, I'm just tryin to take in what you told me last night, thats all."

"Well don't think about it too hard, have fun Vin, don't let this get you down. I know how you are, you're not gonna do what I say, but I think you'll find out eventually."

"What do you mean?" Vin asked

"You'll know when the time comes, but goodbye for now Vin." Veronica said

Vin stood up and looked at the sun.

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