Thursday, June 29, 2006

Gamer Reborn

Well theres no other way to say this other than I GOT AN XBOX 360, yeah yeah yeah to all those who have had one since they've been released SCREW YOU!

The story: (oh yes theres a story!)

A friend of mine, Mike, and I were sittin down in my room watching the elite of shitty movies Suburban Commando (OH HELL YEAH!) Sooooo many good quotable things from that movie but anyways...after the crazy cool end credits music ceased. My door opened and a voice called to me, "Scoots, come on up here." The moment that had been slowly creeping its way towards me, my birthday. As me and Mike came up the stairs, I saw the traditional birthday circle happening and so I assumed the position where everyone was around me. And then the song began, after hearing the "Dying Choir" sing (sister & friends) My ma came on over and gave me a card. Inside was mass of money, I lifted the cash up and read the card. Then I saw it. Everyone had signed it except for my brother. I looked at ma and I was about to say something when then I stopped myself. I didn't want to make things worse. So I hugged my ma and then I counted the money, $400 dollars worth. I looked at Mike and asked "Wanna go to Monte?" He said "Sure." So we hopped in my car and drove off.

The feeling in the car was mixed. I was nervous, happy...shit estatic! Mike and I did the usual talk about music and how everyone views music in this age. After an intense talk of music we finally approached the town. We pulled into the parking lot of Wal-Mart and we made our way inside. As we walked in I said to Mike "Lets go somewhere where none of us have been in forever in this store." and just like that, his head and mine looked towards the shoe corner. After spending time in the corner deciding on either to get a friend of ours some Nascar Racing shoelaces or not. We made our way to electronics and purchased the beast. Literally the thing is a beast! Twas fuckin heavy! We went back out to the car and made our ways to go to McDonalds. How can you not go to McDonalds after expierencing such joy. We then drove around the town of Montevideo and the outskirts of Montevideo. We also tried to classify when the houses of Montevideo were built, amongst doing that we ran into the most friendly people ever just coasting down the street. An old man looked at us and gave us the peace sign. An old lady with her german sheppard waved to us with the utmost glee in her face. We then started our way back to Granite.

We made our way back to the Q, and had some ice cream. (Golden Arches then Ice Cream...BADASS!) The day was coming to an end. Mike went home. I went back to my lair. Connected the beast to my entertainment center. I didn't have any X360 games. I looked around to only find my copy of Halo 1. Just like 5 years ago.

(Flashback) My mom was walking up to the hotel room with me. The hotel was located just outside of Minneapolis. I loved it, the feeling of being in a thriving place. I miss being around up there (reality comment), (back to flashback) I knocked on the hotel room door. I heard the door handle come down and there was Jon. "Hey! How was the concert?" he asked as we walked in. "It was alright, kinda boring, so we left."
"Oh well, thats too bad you better get ready for bed Scoots." Ma left the room back to her own hotel room.
I looked to the clock it read "8:49" I looked at Jon and said "Huh?"
"Well we got a big day and all you going back home."
I was still confused. "Ok, I guess I'll go to bed then." I lifted the pillows and there it was. The Xbox gaming system, with a copy of Halo, and two controllers. I turned at my brother and gave him the biggest smile. The first time I actually hugged my brother. Me and him sat up till 9 in the morning playing Halo, check out time was at 11 A.M. (if anyone wants to know how the rest of the story goes, leave a comment and I'll put the rest on here)

(Back to present time)
I looked at the 360, popped in Halo, and as corny as this sounds. I actually missed not having my brother there with me, to play it again. I sat up till the early morning hours of the next day until I beat Halo once again.

I went to sleep.

(The Next Day)
The next day it was the same old stuff, wake up, work, nap. After I woke up from my nap I called up a friend of mine to see if he'd want to come hang out with me. And so we did, we drove around town, and talked of the good ol "Super House" days. The 5 years ago days. He finally said to me "Here Scoots" and then he gave me my first X360 game. Perfect Dark Zero. I damn near screamed. The game I had been wanting since its first planning stages on Xbox. Now was finally in my hands. After hangin out with the Clizzouse and droppin him off. I went home and here I am now. So folks I'm gonna go play some Perfect Dark Zero and let me say this it will be "DYNAMITE!!!!" (d-_-b)

1 comment:

Mr. Daddy Lee said...

You fucking Nerd, congrats and have fun with that shit