Saturday, August 12, 2006

Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake

Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake - 1999

With the frigid relationships between USA and Russia and China and Russia thawing, the nations lead to the settling down of local conflicts, and the world is finally beginning to neutralize.

It is 1999, the nuclear threat of this century is leaving us, and we are ready to welcome the new stable 21st century.

However, a fraction of the populace does not accept this peace...

In the Middle East, a breeze of unstableness is blowing. Zanzibar Land, a small republic just next to Russia, China and the Arab nations, founds a military government.

It raids "Nuclear Arms for Disposal Storage" sites around the world and robs weapons that were still not disposed of, making it the sole nuclear-armed nation in the world, and begins non-discriminate invasions of nearby countries.

In a world which disposes of nuclear employment, Zanzibar Land's nuclear power is becoming a real emergency. A nuclear threat is budding once again.

At the same time, oil resources are quickly growing scarce. Despite the foretelling that they would last more than 30 years, the world is facing a serious energy source crisis with no alternative supply to oil.

Then, a Czech biologist named Kio Marv invents a micro specimen - "OILIX", which rectifies high-quality oil.

The world is once again in a tension regarding "OILIX". Dr. Marv is kidnapped by Zanzibarian radicals on his trip from Czechoslovakia to America. Zanzibar Land is trying to gain its military superiority through nuclear arms and "OILIX".

...A micro-organism the size of a few micrometers is going to decide the fate of the world.

A top-secret order goes down to Solid Snake, former Foxhounder.

"Single-handedly sneak into Zanzibar Land, and rescue Dr. Kio Marv!"

Snake must now rescue the doctor and take out a new, more poweful Metal Gear.

Snake single-hendedly sneaks into Zanzibar and runs across and old "friend."

Big Boss is back and he has brought a new Metal Gear with him.

Boss, this time showing fear from Snake leaves him to deal with Metal Gear and the remaining Zanzibarian troops.

Snake destroys the Metal Gear and narrowly escapes the exploding Zanzibarian fortress via helecopter.

It is unknown wheter or not Big Boss survived this encounter as well.

He is victorious once more and decideds on a normal life, one away from the military...

He retires to a far away cabin near the Twin Lakes area of the Alaskan mountains. Here he learns that he is suffering Post-Tramatic-Stress-Disorder (PTSD) as a result of his recent missions. This results in flashbacks and other mental anguish. Because of this, Snake gets into huskie racing in order to limit his condition. Snake is preparing for a 1049 mile sleigh race between Anchorage and Nome when he get's a call from former Foxhound commander, Roy Cambell...

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