Monday, August 28, 2006


Puddles on the cold floor
The fluorescent lighting illumanting
Smells from the sewer linger
My hands tremble
The washing machine turns & churns
Fluids fill up the hole in the floor
My home
No matter the struggle outside
I always find the cold, to be pure
To fill me up
Lonely, yet not
Scared, yet proud
Thinking, yet staring
Staring into the cracks in the walls
Wonder if they'll ever shatter
And crush me from under them

(Fade out....)

"This place, it just feels different."

"Who really cares..."

"I know, I just want to feel like I'm at home again"

"Look at it like this, what did you have from the old home?"

"I room"

"You still do, just now you're in a new place"

"Yeah you're right, I just know what I'm sayin..."

"Well Cochise, you do that on your time; I'm here just for a little bit"


"Well my time is up, a new beginning is waiting here for you, go on and keep it up, you'll be suprised with what you find."

"Maybe its just my own mind playing tricks with me..."

"Oh no, never, your mind is aware of what its doing, subconcisouly that is, but in your conscious state, you're a wreck, go with the flow, but have fun."

"...I will"

The world seems like a blur when bewilderment strikes you in your dreams.

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