Saturday, August 12, 2006

Metal Gear Snake's Revenge

Snake's Revenge - Somewhere between 1995 and 1999

Snake is called into action once again...

This time, a man by the name of Higharolla Kockamamie has captured a large sum of nuclear weapons.

He plans on using them to take control of the world.

Snake suspectes that Kockamamie may be another Big Boss alias. He has a sneaking suspicion that Big Boss survived the Outer Heaven encounter.

He gathers a huge army, like never before seen, to guard his "Fortress Fanatic."

Foxhound, now under the command of Roy Cambell, sends Snake and two comrades.

John Turner,(J.T.) of the Air Forces super-secretive intelligence.

And, Commando Nick "La Bomba" Myer, the explosives expert and leader of the Nitroglycerin Division at Foxhound.

They invade the Fortress Fanatic and defeat Kockamamie. Unfortunatly, for Snake, Big Boss is not involved in this terrorist activity.

They destroy the second Metal Gear threat.

Sometime after this, Snake leaves Foxhound for an early retirement.

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