Saturday, August 12, 2006

Metal Gear

Metal Gear - 1995

200km north of Salzburg, deep in South Africa.

Outer Heaven...

An armed fortress was taken control of in the late 1990s by a mercenary named General Vernon CaTaffy...

Top secret information was intercepted...

Inside the fortress a weapon would lie. A weapon that could change the face of earth warfare as we knew it...

Orders were sent to the hi-tech informal squad Foxhound, and Command sent a merc named "Grey Fox," to infiltrate and acquire more information about the weapon.

The operation was given the codenname: "INTRUDE N313".

However, a few days later, contact with Grey Fox was broken after an urgent but short message, "...metal gear..."

Government superiors found this crucial, and again ordered Foxhound into action, leaving all their hopes in the mercenary, "Solid Snake".

Snake single-handedly snuck into Outer Heaven, contacting resistance members such as Schneider, Jennifer and Diane. With their help, he rescued the captive Grey Fox. He learned from Fox about the nuclear-mounted heavy walking tank called, "Metal Gear". Outer Heaven was going to win military superiority using this "Metal Gear."

Snake rescued an Eastern scientist, Dr. Petrovich Madnar, who was the developer of Metal Gear. Madnar was kidnapped by the enemy and was being used to reform their base with modern technology. Snake also rescued the doctor's daughter Ellen, and from Petrovich, he learned the weaknesses of Metal Gear, and how to destroy it.

However, the closer Snake came to finding out the vital truth of the whole operation, the more cunning were the traps he had to overcome.

It was as if all his actions were being leaked into enemy acknowledgment...

Schneider, who was the leader of the resistance, fell into enemy hands. Snake, vows to avenge Schnieder's death against the enemy.

Finally, Snake reached the Metal Gear and destroyed it...

Surprisingly, the general commander of Foxhound was waiting for him...

The man responsible for mission N313 was Big Boss.

From the very beginning, Big Boss used Snake as a pawn for his own evil deeds.

He had jammed all vital information that Snake had sent to Foxhound. They knew nothing!

Big Boss had controlled Outer Heven under the alias of "Vernon CaTaffy" in order to trick Foxhound.

In the 100th floor underground, with no dogmas nor policies involved, a battle between the two men raged...

And Snake left only the smoldering remains of Outer Heaven behind him.

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